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Warehouse move January 2024

We ship within 24h from New Jersey

Since we asked everyone in our last post back in January to stay tuned for more updates, we no longer want to keep you all in suspense. Thus, we would like to announce a few recent developments that we're really excited about.

As hinted in our previous post we moved into a bigger warehouse space back in February as we simply ran out of space. With that being said, we're about to move again, essentially doubling our current warehouse space. This will not only help us to continue expanding our assortment, but also significantly increase the efficiency of our processes and fulfillment overall.

Online shop for German groceries

Another update we're very excited about is our new website design with a cleaner look and easier navigation for a better customer experience. We're constantly striving for improving the way customers can shop from us to make it as straightforward of an experience as possible.

We'll have more exciting announcements lined up that we can hopefully share with you all soon.

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