Where do you ship from?
We're located in the US and only ship domestically.
Do you ship internationally?
No, currently we only ship within the US.
Where do you get your products from?
We work with various suppliers to provide us with the products we offer.
How much is shipping cost?
The shipping cost is automatically calculated based on your location and the weight of your order. The shipping cost will be displayed in the checkout.
Which carriers do you work with?
Currently we work with USPS and UPS.
How long does delivery take?
The shipping time depends on your location, which shipping option you select and how quickly your selected carrier can arrange delivery.
How long does it take for my order to ship?
Orders always ship no later than the next day outside of weekends and holidays, however, we always try our best to ship orders the same day.
Do you offer express delivery?
Yes, during checkout you can select a faster shipping option.
Where can I find information about my order status?
Once your order is fulfilled and ready to be shipped, you will receive an automated email from us with the tracking information. If you have additional questions or didn't receive any tracking information from us, you can always contact us at support@onestopgermanshop.com
Who do I contact if I run into a problem with my order?
As we always want to make sure that doesn't happen, we understand everything will not always go 100% as planned. So if you do run into an issue with your order, you can email us at support@onestopgermanshop.com
Is there a phone number I can call?
Currently we don't offer customer service via phone. However, we're working on getting that set up as soon as possible.