The most valuable asset in an increasingly fast-paced world full of deadlines and expectations is time spent with ourselves. This is when we reconnect to ourselves and gain new insight into our lives. Even though we know we need these moments of peace and harmony for our health and well-being, it isn’t always easy to take time away from our busy lives to unwind.

At DRESDNER ESSENZ, we want to help you do just that so you can once again enjoy these special moments. That’s why we rely on the healing properties of select plants, aromatherapy of essential oils and the restorative power of precious essential fragrances.

We combine all these elements in our products for a unique combination of care, relaxation and inspiration. Our philosophy is also backed by psychological findings. They confirm that healing and wellness products are only able to offer benefits for our body and spirit holistically and not only by select ingredients.

dresdner essenz bath salts

Bath Salts

dresdner essenz body wash

Body Wash

dresdner essenz kids bath and body


8 products